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Thank you for Supporting Friends of YOSAR!

Fundraiser shirts are available for purchase from November 25 thru December 8, and will ship no later than December 16, in time for Christmas!

Friends of YOSAR

We don’t have any products to show right now.

We don’t have any products to show right now.

We don’t have any products to show right now.

We don’t have any products to show right now.

We don’t have any products to show right now.

We don’t have any products to show right now.

Friends of Yosemite Search and Rescue

Yosemite Search and Rescue is one of the busiest wilderness SAR services in the country and averages in excess of two hundred rescue missions every year. As we continue through the busy season and beyond we hope for as few incidents as possible, yet are prepared to provide aid to lost and injured visitors who come to enjoy the grandeur of Yosemite.  

Despite strong support from government funding, many aspects of the response program are made possible only through public donation. Proceeds from FOYOSAR’s fundraising efforts are utilized for the benefit of the search and rescue function in Yosemite National Park. Grants made by FOYOSAR cover training, human resources, equipment/infrastructure, visitor/peer education, and research/development of more safe and effective rescue methods. No donation is used to directly support rescue operations - the costs associated with missions are covered through Federal Accounts appropriated to the National Park Service.

- The FOYOSAR Board


Camp 4 Clothing and Friends of Yosemite Search and Rescue have collaborated to bring you a new design! All profits from this fundraiser will be donated to Friends of Yosemite Search and Rescue, a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit corporation. Shirts are available for purchase from November 25 thru December 8, and will ship no later than December 16, in time for Christmas. Exclusively availability from Camp 4 Clothing!



Yosemite Search and Rescue

Yosemite Search and Rescue (YOSAR) is the emergency response team for Yosemite National Park, where each year an average of 200 visitors are lost, injured or die in the rugged environment. Rescues have a long standing history in Yosemite, dating back to the park's establishment in 1890. The SARsite was established in Camp-4 during the 1960s to respond to the increasing number of high-angle emergencies with a volunteer group of highly experienced climbers living in the park. Today the YOSAR response team is composed of Park Rangers and SARsite members who work closely together to ensure visitor safety. As a result of its beginnings and subsequent history, YOSAR is structurally different from other SAR teams, yet in most of its specialties – big wall rescue, emergency medicine, swiftwater rescue and helicopter rescue – YOSAR ranks among the best teams in the world. Despite the high level of professionalism and skill, YOSAR lacks in funding from public sources and is currently in need of your valued partnership in order to maintain its current functions with the best training, equipment and support from all who benefit from their services.

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